Secure coding – What is it all about?
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Difference Between Sequential and Random Memory Access
Magnetic tapes and other sequential access storage technologies read and write data linearly. This implies that the gadget has to process all previous data before accessing a specific piece of data. On a cassette tape, for instance, you have to fast-forward through the first four tracks to hear the fifth song. It may take a while to retrieve data using this method, particularly for huge amounts of data. Nonetheless, it works well for activities like sorting or merging data that call for processing the data in a particular order....
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State Reduction and State Assignment
To illustrate the process of state reduction and state assignment first we have to know the concepts of the state diagram, state table, and state equation. In this article, we are going to learn all the topics related to state reduction and assignment....
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Ultra Direct Memory Access
Ultra Direct Memory Access (UDMA) is a protocol used as part of high-speed technology for data transfer from a computer’s memory to the hard drive, SSD, or other storage media. In this way, data rates and system performance are greatly maximized by using a direct channel between storage and main memory that works independently from the CPU. This article will discuss in detail the UDMA, the primary terminologies regarding it, how it works, the steps that are involved in its operation, and its advantages and disadvantages....
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Test configuration generation in Combinatorial testing – Example | Set-2
We have discussed the algorithm used for test configuration generation in the article Test Configuration Generation in Combinatorial Testing. Let’s understand the algorithm in-depth with a solved example given below....
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ML | Mini-Batch Gradient Descent with Python
In machine learning, gradient descent is an optimization technique used for computing the model parameters (coefficients and bias) for algorithms like linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, etc. In this technique, we repeatedly iterate through the training set and update the model parameters in accordance with the gradient of the error with respect to the training set. Depending on the number of training examples considered in updating the model parameters, we have 3-types of gradient descents:...
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Classifying data using Support Vector Machines(SVMs) in R
In machine learning, Support vector machines (SVM) are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification and regression analysis. It is mostly used in classification problems. In this algorithm, each data item is plotted as a point in n-dimensional space (where n is a number of features), with the value of each feature being the value of a particular coordinate. Then, classification is performed by finding the hyper-plane that best differentiates the two classes. In addition to performing linear classification, SVMs can efficiently perform a non-linear classification, implicitly mapping their inputs into high-dimensional feature spaces....
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Different Types of Clustering Algorithm
The introduction to clustering is discussed in this article and is advised to be understood first....
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What is Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)?
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is one of the main protocols of the Internet protocol suite. It lies between the Application and Network Layers which are used in providing reliable delivery services....
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Fuzzy Logic | Introduction
The term fuzzy refers to things that are not clear or are vague. In the real world many times we encounter a situation when we can’t determine whether the state is true or false, their fuzzy logic provides very valuable flexibility for reasoning. In this way, we can consider the inaccuracies and uncertainties of any situation....
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Which Connection is Best – Fiber, Copper, or Wireless?
Copper cable: The electrical wiring is made of copper wire. It uses electronic impulses to send and receive data. It’s the only solid conductor in the system....
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What is a Print Spooler?
The print spooler is a small program/software that manages the order of documents to proceed to the print queue. It manages all print jobs that are submitted to the computer printer. In this article we are going to learn what is Print spooler, How does Print Spooler work, the Need of a Print Spooler, some common problems related to Print Spooler, Error handling in Print Spooler, and how to restart the Print Spooler if we are facing issues....
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